

I'm blogging my latest entry. It's 11:30pm. Aida and Rafa are asleep and I'm just finishing up on some things for this week. It's going to be one exciting week ahead. Surprisingly, it's very cool tonight. This 'coolness' should be felt during Christmas season. But I think the Christmas chill came late this year. It's almost February. Good thing here is that I don't need to turn the aircon tonight.

It's a good day. I preached at the 2PM Tagalog service today. I was very excited to once again be with such a warm congregation. Bro. Edjie was gracious enough to let me preach today. I talked about the trials we face and that God intends it for us to become better people, develop perseverance and to test our faith. Problems and trials are facts of life. It is how you decide to handle it that makes a difference.

Of course, I'm wasn't preaching in English but Tagalog. I try as much as I can to truly stick to TAGALOG when I preach at the 8AM. Not much of a mix of English and Tagalog although some words cannot be spoken in Tagalog. Praise God! I received some good feedback from the sermon. That's the ultimate compliment: when people appreciate what you do and they're lives are changes because of the little things we do. I'm not saying that preaching is not a big deal. But compared to the awesomeness of God, we are just small.

Until then, God bless!


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