

BROADBAND, the band of new.media ministry, was asked to lead praise and worship on September 9, 2007 (Sunday) at the 8AM and 10AM services. It is always a privilege to lead worship. Though we may not be seasoned worship leaders, we do believe to give our best in everything we do.

That's why we practice..a lot. First time we did this, we practiced for three months. Others might find that too much. But we believe in the power of practice. We don't believe in half baked output. If we are going to do something, we'd better do it right the first time (as my Dad would tell me).

Tonight, we were able to finish the line-up and dabbled on the backup songs we have prepared. Aida told me she's nervous. That's good. Nervous is good because it makes you alert. Not to mention, you rely on the Lord and not too much on your own abilities. I know Aida can deliver. She has the gift to lead people to worship. Now is the season.

Folks. If you want to do things well, make sure you practice with all your heart. Whether its a skill or studying or work, give your best. Do it right the first time. Learn from your mistakes and strive for the top.

I'm so tired. I'm actually typing in my sleep.

Until then, God bless.


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