

Rafa, Rhea (our helper) and I went out today to buy our monthly groceries. Today was different because Aida, who was at the helm of every grocery shopping I've done since we got married, wasn't around. So I had to take charge. Before, I was just in-charge of calculating the prices and making sure we're in budget. Today, I'm doing double duty as human calculator and shopper. What was once a one hour shop turned into almost two hours. I miss my wife.


It was time for me to get some toothpaste. Apparently, we were about to run out. So I went to a portion of the Landmark supermarket that had whole circular shelf of toothpaste (specifically Colgate). Usually, guys would just go, take one without really reading the pack and put it in the cart. i wanted to do that. But I just realized that the toothpaste brand had about 5 variants. It had different flavors, colors and sizes.

Then, out of nowhere, I'm stuck.

I was stuck for about 10 minutes trying to decide which kind of toothpaste will I buy. Wow. Never did I ever spend so much time trying to choose toothpaste before. Was it a waste of time? Maybe. Halfway through the 10 minutes, I thought I wasted time. But I was about to make a very important decision.

After all the comparisons, flavors and other obvious things, I made my choice. Walking away from the shelf, I realized that sometimes, we make things complicated. A toothpaste is a toothpaste and it should do what its suppose to do - clean. But do we have to make so much fuss on something so simple.

Sure. It is vital that we have variation in life. But sometimes, we humans just complicate the things that were originally planned as simple. Sometimes, when we get too intelligent or too powerful, we have the tendency to just be complicated.

Sure. It's toothpaste. But it makes you think about the other bigger things that we complicate.

Folks, though I may be young, I've realized that there are just some things that are left to be simple. We make things too technical. We make it too intellectual. We make it too logical. But, really, it just about making it simple. That's all.

Keep it simple.

Have to sleep. I'll be heading ROCKET WORSHIP the whole day. I'll let you know what happens.

Until then, God bless.


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