

Hello folks.


Have you ever been misinterpreted by the people around you?

I'm sure you will say YES.

It happens to the best in all of us. Whether you do good, intend to do good or mean to do good, people will misinterpret it for something else. It is just very unfortunate that your good intentions and deeds are twisted to look like you are doing something wrong or offensive.

Of course, one must search deep inside if he or she is truly on the right side. One must see the facts unbiased and find out if you are doing what is right. Because if you are not, then people have all the right to make you aware of your wrong doings.

But if you are on the right side of the tracks, then you need not worry.

But who really gets to judge if you are doing what is right or wrong? Who really has a say? Everybody will have an opinion about you. When you do good, people will say otherwise. When you have the purest of intentions, people doubt you.

So who really knows what's really inside your heart?

First of all, God. It is only God that can truly see the state of your heart.

Second, the people around you who truly know how you are. These are the people who really spend time with, you know your personality and who listen to your dreams. These are the people who do have the purest intentions for you. These are people who think about your welfare because they love you and would not want anything happen to you. These people are there to back you up and watch your back. If you have people like these around you, then you are blessed.

One can try to please everyone. But it is close to impossible. People are so fickle minded. I've learned to please the ones that count and not waste my time and energy to those who lack merit.

Misinterpretation is a part of life. But what is truly great is what happens afterwards. When the dust settles and the smoke clears, those who misinterpreted you will eat your shoes because they were wrong and you were right.

Until then, God bless.


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