

Today, I received sad news that one of our young and up-and-coming KIDZONE CHURCH coaches passed away due to dengue shock - Pauline Diano. Pauline or Pau was a kid full of life and had a bright future ahead. She's 13-year old girl who's active in church activities and has played a big part in making the 4:30pm KIDZONE CHURCH great.

I am terribly shocked with the events that have unfolded. We were hoping for her recovery. But now she is with the Lord.

Please do pray for the family that was left behind by Pau. We are confident that she is now with the Lord and is not player her guitar with all the angels in heaven.

Pau. Thank you for believing in me as well as your pastor. I hoped that we would have spent more time together. But I guess I'd have to wait for awhile.

Thank you for bringing life into the ministry and for making our life better.

We will miss you Pau.


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