

Recently, I celebrated my 32nd birthday. Most people dread it when their birthdays come. Not me. I totally embrace it when my birthday arrives. Think about it this way. When you reach a certain age, you are now entitled to the benefits and blessings for that age.

I ask myself "NOW WHAT?"

To be honest, it's been a very difficult few months. It's not been easy being me. Plenty of trials and uncertainties. At first, you have an idea what will happen to your life. However, sometimes, a screwball gets thrown at you and you get a bit sidetracked. Like a boxer, you get hit by an uppercut. Then, you become stunned.

You build a lot of things as you move forward in life. You give your all into it - sweat, tears, effort and faith. Then, it's all stripped away from you. The rug gets swiped under you. Then, you fall on your back and you're staring at the ring lights.

I wish I could tell you everything but I can't. It's too personal.

But I am hopeful. God has given me a promise and He does keep His promises. Yes. The rug has been pulled under me. I may have lost everything I have built. But God can restore everything that was taken. Sometimes, He gives us more than what was taken.

I do look forward to greater things to happen. I wish my potential can breakout and be used for God's glory. Oftentimes, I hunger for the opportunities to be better. And, oftentimes, it eludes me. But I know my time will come and nothing and no one can stop it.

I do hope I don't sound boastful. I guess I'm just boosting my self-confidence because not a lot of people are boosting me right now. It's hard to be an encourager when you don't get much encouragement.

Yes. I may be a pastor. But I am human. I bleed. I suffer. I cry.

Please do pray for me, folks. The future is uncertain. Yet, I know God is there with me.

I hold on to him.

So "Now what?"

For this site (rodneygarcia.com), the site will undergo some metamorphosis. It will improve. I think it will even be more aggressive this year in spreading encouragement and inspiration. Pray I do have the resources to make it happen.

Thanks again for all your support. God bless.


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