

I can't believe it. When I was doing the WORDFORTHEWORLD.COM website, the creative juices were just flowing.

However, when I was starting designing with my OWN website, I had designer's block.

The block in the creative flow was so thick that I had to change the template five (5) times to get to the final output. Yes! Count them FIVE! You might be saying that it's weird. But you know, it happens.

I was juggling between a clean look or a grunge-edgy look. One template was too clean that it was too plain for me. The edgy look was a bit dirty can could not portray what the site was about - encouragement and lifting the spirit. People who would visit for the first time might think I'm from a cult or something.

After resting my mind and my imagination for a few hours, I was back to the drawing board. I wanted a balance between edgy and clean. Thank God! The design you are now seeing is the final design. The background is kinda grungy but the main page is quite clean. Perfect!

The next few days will be crucial. I'm slowly putting the pieces together. I'll be uploading photos soon. Also, I'll be recording my podcasts and other stuff for the site.

I'm psyched to launch it on July 1. Hope you will be able to visit.

Thanks and God bless you!


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