

It's been a while since I've recorded a podcast. I think it's been a long while. Maybe almost a year already.

My first serious podcast was the GOD IS AT WORK podcast I had with Evelyn Uy. The show ran for two seasons with about 10 episodes and 8 episodes respectively. It was somehow a leap of faith since we didn't know much about podcasting and about broadcasting. Yet, we did get great reviews from people and some encouraging messages on how the podcast has helped them.

Since Evelyn left, I haven't had much of a podcast partner. Actually, I haven't had much of a podcast either. It's a bit harder to do a podcast with just yourself. I know there are thousands out there who do a solo podcast show. But I guess I just miss the exchange of ideas and opinions and the activity between two minds. That always is a good spot for a show.

Will I go back to podcasting? The answer is YES. I will come back. I believe that with the right timing, I will be back.

For now, I'm just focusing on my newly-designed and soon-to-be relaunched website which will be my way of reaching out to more people. I have to sit down one of these days and truly define why RODNEYGARCIA.COM exists. Not that I don't know why it should. I think I just have to make it formal.

Podcasting has always been a love of mine. When will I return to it is something to look forward to.

I shall return.

Until then, God bless.


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