

When we heard The Katinas were coming to Manila, our friends and I didn't hesitate to watch. I mean it's not everyday these guys come over for a concert. We grabbed the opportunity. Personally, I was very excited because it is just recently that I  get to go out in concerts. My wifey and I needed some personal time as well.

We got there around 7pm. It was raining. But it did not dampen our excitement. Our friends were already inside the colesium. We're hungry. So we grabbed a bite in one of the Wendy's which one burger costs an entire meal if you buy it outside the venue. Plus they didn't even serve french fries. Can you believe it?

We went inside the concert hall. I didn't expect that we would be watching at the patron side of the venue, which was at the left side of the stage. The night was electrifying. It was not a concert. It was ministry. It was a time for people who belonged to the Body of Christ to worship God together.

They shared their life: how they are brothers who had a father that held on to Christ. They showed a video montage of their kids. They shared about how to live a FULL LIFE. We were fed with music and the word of God. Amazing! Personally, I needed that.

The event ended with all of us singing "OUR GOD IS AN AWESOME GOD." As the Araneta Colesium was filled with worship, The Katinas walked off the stage. It was not about them. It was about God.

As for the gang, we had a wonderful time. The video speaks for itself. Check it out and see how we enjoyed the event (It's about 10 minutes long.)

The Katinas have the heart for ministry and to share the love of God in a language the whole world recognizes - music. God bless you, Katinas! May God expand your territories.

Until then, God bless!


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