

Had a wonderful time with the new.media ministry as we met in the nursery (this is what we call the new media room because of its glass window that looks like the ones in the hospital nurseries). It's going to be an exciting year for the ministry.

For starters, we will be celebrating our FIVE YEAR anniversary. It was just like yesterday that the ministry was bestowed to me. After all the struggles and pains, we have received so much blessings and opportunities to grow and make an impact not only in church but beyond the walls of the sanctuary.

We will be having a media training for new recruits by March. This year will be a different approach. More practical than technical. More hands on than just watching in your seat. We've been doing these trainings for two years now and we have produced new media people that didn't even know how to hold a camera or edit on a PC. God is good!

Also, there are plans to make a short film this year. There is no script yet. But we hope it will be a good one.

I love this ministry. I guess I can't help but be a little biased. This ministry is like a baby to me. I helped it walk and mature. It will be hard to let go if the time comes. But until I'm here, I'll do everything I can to make it grow further.

Until then, God bless!


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