

It has been quite some time since my post. I've been very busy. I've put my whole heart into some projects in church.

Unfortunately, some people think that my ideas are quite "radical" and that the old school works. Maybe it worked 25 years ago. But times have changed.

Not all things new go against the grain. My ideas are still intact and does not compromise the Biblical principles and ideals. Preaching the gospel is something I'm passionate about. Reaching for the lost is something all churches should do. The manner of doing it may differ. But the vision is the same.

I am very disappointed at some of our church leaders today. They do not appreciate the value of creativity from their co-leaders. Those who have been in the game for a long time think that they should not change with the times. Let us face it. There are things we need to do now so we can keep up with the times. Unlike before, there are plenty of distractions now. People have become numb. We need some creative ways in reaching out to them. For some old timers, the old way of doing it is the only way.

I'll be honest. I am sad. You put your heart into something and it doesn't get the appreciation it deserves. But it will not stop me from pursuing what I was called to do.

So for now, it has to lay low for a while. But like the legendary phoenix, it will fly once again soon.


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