

As promised, I am back to give you an account of what happened today at the 8AM service.

We have practiced and prayed for this day and the day has arrived. Aida and I woke up as early as 5:30am. I'm also happy that Rafa woke up without being grouchy. I guess he knows that this is a very important day for daddy and mommy.

We arrived at church around 6:30am. No crowds on sight. Just Jun our technician fixing the place up for service. Gotta love his dedication! After a few minutes, the band and backup started coming. We just had some time for a sound check and a little practice. I think it's very important for a band to come early before service especially if there are technical things we need to do. Good thing we did cause we had some problems with the electric guitar amp.

Afterwards, I gave a little briefing to the gang. I reminded them to give God space to move. We have practiced and memorized our parts. But now we let God move! Also, just because you are onstage, it doesn't mean you don't worship with the congregation. We are all here to worship God.

Aida was really prepared for this task. She is prepared mentally and emotionally. Aida is like that when it comes to these things. She's not into mediocrity. When she does something, it must be done right the first time.

Here we go. It's time to play. Though we had some technical issues like not being able to hear the worship team or the band or even my keyboards in the monitor, things went very well. I saw people really worshiping God. People raised their hands. They were responding to the songs. We had a breakthrough in worship. Praise God!

After the service, people appreciated the group. They were quite surprised that Aida could lead worship and that I could play keyboards. Though this was not a time to highlight our individual gifts and talents, it was a welcome bonus for us. We went there to lead people in worship and I think people appreciated that.

That was something we lack in church: appreciation. I was very happy the people appreciated what happened today. I just hope we can do it more especially coming from people of leadership.

When is the next time? I'm sure there will be. We just don't know it yet. But we are willing to do it not for our glory but for God's glory.

It's going to be a busy week. Next stop: KIDZONE.

Until then, God bless!


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