

This year, the new.media ministry celebrates its 5th anniversary. To commemorate the events, the guys and girls of NM prepared a simple food fest of palabok, cakes, chicken, drinks and ice-cream. While eating, we were watching some old "home movies" of new.media specifically the 2005 and 2006 Christmas party.

Time flies.

People don't actually know now new.media started. So let me tell you the real story.

Before the 30 person strong ministry came to be, it started with three: myself, my wife Aida and my brother-in-law Louie (who was not yet a pastor then). Through Louie, we were asked to do the anniversary brochure of the church. We didn't know much about photo editing, design and layout (compare to now) but we did our best to produce it. Thank God! Our first project was a success. Since then, we did a quarterly newsletter and other projects. Media started with three people.

Fast forward 2002. I answered God's call to be a pastor. My first assignment was becoming the ICA chaplain. It was in this same year that the media ministry was given to me. At the time, the members were just four. I renamed it to new.media because there were "new" things happening in the world of media. Imagine. I came back to the ministry that I help started in a different capacity.

The first two years were OK. We had plans and we really wanted it to take off. We started with brochures and slowly going into the internet. Members came and left.

But it was in 2004 that things started changing. New.media became more aggressive. We became more ambitious in our goals. We knew something was about to happen that will affect the ministry and the whole church.

We invaded the internet by coming up with a upbeat design. We started experimenting with video and were learning how to make good video. We began training new breed of workers on the technical side of things in media. The ministry looked for new ways to share the gospel through YouTube videos and podcasts.

As I look back at new.media, we have come a long way. Every year, we have invested in equipment and people. We were able to reach our goals and even dream bigger. I feel that we go into a higher level. If the present looks bright, the future looks brighter.

I hope I do not sound boastful nor do I convey that I take all the credit for the achievements of the ministry. I cannot and will not do so. As a leader, I set the direction. But it takes dedicated friends who can see the vision with you and are willing to go with you until we reach it. I am thankful that they stood by me and believed with me.

I can only speak about new.media and not the other ministries because I do not handle it. But the people of new.media do not believe in the impossible. They dream BIG. The only way we can say it is impossible is when we have done everything to make it possible. We believe in excellence and we make sure we do the most excellent work simple because it reflects on the church and, most especially, Jesus Christ himself.

Thank you Lord for giving us five wonderful years. Here's looking forward to 500 more.

Happy Anniversary, WWCF new.media ministry.

Until then, God bless!


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