

Just got home from a small "sending away" dinner with Ptr. Timmy Lao and Grace Uy. They will be going to Cebu to head the WWCF church there. I'm so excited for them. But also, I'm sad because he's leaving. (In the picture is myself, Ptr. Timmy and Ptr. Louie)

In the pastoring "business", it is very seldom you find true friends. Friends that can look you in the eye. Friends that don't stab you from behind. Friends who are in the truest sense of the world. Timmy is that to me. He is a friend- a best friend.

I'm blessed that we got to be close these past few years. I owe him plenty because he makes sure he watches my back. He gives me solid and straight-forward advice and complements.

I'll miss our carpool trips going home (since we live 5 minutes away from each other). I'll miss the late night dinners and talks until 2am. But most of all, I'll miss his presence in the office especially when he goes to my room and asks me to take a break cause I look tired already.

WWCF Cebu will have a great pastor as its leader. It is a big task but God is confident in him that he can do it for God's glory.

Ptr. Timmy - my best friend. I'll miss you.


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