

I just love the movies made by Pixar. They are really family oriented movies that even my 6 year old can watch. Mind you, not all cartoons are watchable by 6 year olds (ahem..Simpsons..ahem).

Ratatouille is the story of a very special rat with a very special love for cooking. Ironic, I know but that's what makes this story interesting. With the people around him telling him that he's just a rat and cannot do anything much, he goes out to fulfill his dream - to become a chef.

I could write the things I learned from the movie and there are a lot. I think I will be writing sniplets here from time to time. But the movie spoke life and hope to me especially now. I've been into some rapid fire criticism from unknown people. Thanks to Pixar, it reminded me a lot of things about life and about dreaming.

Don't stop dreaming folks. It is from these dreams that make our lives better. Individually and as a nation, we should never stop dreaming. Not only is it free but it is the beginning of great things. Age, race nor social status should not stop you from dreaming. With hard work and with God's help, you can do it.

Watch Ratatouille. I recommend it.

Until then, God bless.


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