

It's 9AM and I'm working. I'm having a meeting with my fellow new.media specialists. We're discussing some important things. The BOOST! Kidzone Church newsletter needs to be printed out. So I send an email with the contents of BOOST! I'm taking to Ysrael about the videos to be recorded back to DV tape. I'm discussing some things with Odette - the ministry head of new.media. I'm talking to my wife. And guess what.. I'm not even in the office. I'm in a Starbucks Coffee shop.

I'm having a virtual meeting via the internet. I'm using my wife's Macbook Pro. I turned the built-in I-Sight on so the people in the office and see me.

I just love technology and using it efficiently. There are no boundaries in using the technology available. What only limits us is our imagination and our thinking that we cannot do impossible things.

As it was said in the Bible...

Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." - Matthew 19:26

Indeed, if God is with us, we can do impossible things with his divine help.

There have been times that people, even pastors, have told me that it is impossible. Not to brag but I don't really believe in the impossible until I fail to do everything to make it possible. With a huge heart and faith, we can do things for God even if it is impossible.

Who would have thought I would be talking to 56 million people in the world through the internet? Who would have thought that I'll be ministering beyond the four walls of the church? Would would have thought that I would be meeting with my new.media team even if we are not in one room? That, folks, was impossible a few years ago.


Until then, God bless.


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