

A few months ago, the new.media ministry was given the unique opportunity to form a band and play for a worship event. Named as BROADBAND, these unique individuals will be substituting their video cameras and editing machines to drums, keyboards and other musical instruments. After being effecting in two worship events, BROADBAND is invited to lead worship on September 9, 2007 at both the 8AM and 10AM services at WORD FOR THE WORLD.

Earlier tonight, the band practiced. One great revelation: we have gelled well. We were able to practice the fast songs with just a few adjustments. But I can notice the difference from our previous practices. We play better now. Not bad for seasoned musicians.

Before, there was this aggressiveness that really showed in playing. Now, we were relaxed and was conscious that we didn't override each others instruments. Joining us was Bro. Ricky of the Couples Ministry - a long time friend. He just plugged in the group so well. In two hours, we were able to finish four songs. Not bad at all.

Aida and I knew we had a great practice run tonight. We felt something really special there which makes us look forward to Monday - another practice.

Sorry but I have to go. I was driving the whole day and the traffic made me feel like I was beaten up by a gang of thieves. I need to catch some Zs.

Tomorrow, I'll post a picture of my new look.

Until then, God bless.


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