

I watched Ouija with my wife this evening. It was the last full show but there were still plenty of people watching (1030pm). We were really looking forward to watching this film. Not just because of the hype but because it looked very promising. I was not disappointed.

I don't want to give the whole story. But the gist of it revolves around the Ouija board. The characters thought it was just a board game but it came with a not-so-amusing consequence. Folks. Do not play around with the occult. As much as you think it is harmless, think again. Believe me. I used to be into these occultic practices. I know what I'm talking about.

The movie was done masterfully. The story was great. The shots were executed well. The actors portrayed their characters well. There were instances in the movie that caught me off guard. In a horror/suspense movie, you usually expect things to happen. Then when you thought it was safe, it happens. This movie got me there.

I've always believe that the Filipino can make a better film. Twenty years ago, the films we produced were B-movie of even C-movie class. You can only count the movies that really mattered. But now, with new and budding directors given breaks, the movie scene is getting brighter. I encouraged the movie outfits to give these guys a break. It doesn't really take a big budget to tell a good story.

One more thing: I was very irritated with this guy behind me who just makes so much side comments when he watched. I wouldn't mind if he whispered. But he acted as if he was watching in his own living room. I don't get to watch movies. And when I get it, I want to enjoy it (as all of us do). He just killed the suspense factor of the movie for me. To all of us, please be polite enough to stop talking while the movie is playing. Thank you.

Until then, God bless.


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