

After the 8AM service today at WORD FOR THE WORLD, my family decided to go to Conti's Restaurant at Serendra, The Fort, Taguig City for a lunch date.

Upon arriving, we were greeted with people waiting outside the place. We had to wait to get a seat inside the restaurant. The place itself wasn't big. It was like a small coffee shop and could fit less than 100 people. We asked to be listed. We were 6th in line.

We waited for about 30-45 minutes. It was hot outside. I didn't mind the heat. It was the people who smoked around us that bothered me. It funny that people suddenly stop smoking when they find out they're dying. Then they start hoping that the cancer will just leave when they stop. I was very hungry because I didn't eat breakfast. And usually, I get cranky when I'm hungry (ask my wife).

Then, it was time to eat. We were seated at a good location in the shop. We ordered in advance so we don't have to wait longer. When our food came, we chowed down. I took my time really tasting the flavor (thanks to watching Ratatouille). Man, my baked salmon rocked! It was so delicious that I had to get extra rice. Aida had lengua estofado, which also rocked. Rafa had baked macaroni and cheese.

For dessert, we had Oreo Cheesecake and Mango Bravo. These two treats were just mind blowing. I can die now (Good thing I'm Born-Again..I know where I'm going. Do you?).

The meal was excellent. The cakes were superb (we even bought a mini mango bravo). Truly, it was worth the wait.

Let me ask you to try out Conti's. I personally recommend it, food lover.

Until then, God bless.


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