

Hello folks. It's a Monday.

It's quite a fast-paced day. Brought Rafa to school. One hour passes and a few book pages later, Rafa is done with his tests. Went to Park Square to check out some things. Went home. Ate. Rested a bit. Made some phone calls. Had a conference call with Sis. Evelyn Uy and Sherri Shawen via Skype. Did some research. Went back to Makati. Got some stuff. Fetched my wife at the office. Went home. Ate dinner. Typing this blog.

Wow. All that in one day. And it was suppose to be my day off.

I'm preparing for a busy week ahead. I'm happy because what we do glorifies God.

Folks, it's important that what we do makes the name of Jesus shine brighter: at school, at work, at home and, more importantly, in the way we conduct ourselves. In everything we do, we should give our best.

Let me encourage you to do your best in everything. Let this week be a week of accomplishments and achievements both big or small. I'm sure God is pleased no matter the size of your tasks.

Make him proud.

Until then, God bless.


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