

Hello folks. It's 7AM. I got here early because my car is number coded. (If your car's license number falls of a certain day, you are not suppose to be on the road from 7AM to 7PM.)

Also, I'm preparing for tonight's sermon. THURSDAY NIGHT WORSHIP will be another nice of inspiration, encouragement and life. I believe it is important for a pastor to speak life to his listeners. Most pastors want to give a very theologically sound sermon. There's nothing wrong with that. I believe that pastors should really give a balanced theologically sound sermon. But sometimes, the purpose of a sermon is diluted - to uplift the hearts and souls of the listener.

Please do pray for me. My sermon will be at 6PM tonight - WWCF Sanctuary.

If you don't get to be here tonight, I'll be posting the mp3 audio tomorrow.

Until then, God bless!


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