

TNW was awesome. The Lord spoke to a lot of people. All praise and honor be to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. I cannot take credit for what has transpired during THURSDAY NIGHT WORSHIP (TNW) at WORD FOR THE WORLD CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP. The message was very simple and encouraging that I, myself, was encouraged. Indeed, all of us go through trials of many kinds (and Yes even pastors). But we need to hold on to Jesus and rely on his power and strength.

If you were there at the sanctuary, thank you for taking the time to listen and minister to you. We all need to hear something uplifting from the Lord. Whether it be in the pulpit, with a group of people, on the podcast or on the internet, I will do what I can to encourage people. I take every opportunity given to me seriously.

I have to always check my heart with every thing I do. Sometimes, people can misinterpret me. It's not me that's important but the message that I bring. I believe this is my way of ministering to you beyond the walls of the church - through this website. A pastor must find different ways to minister and this is one way I know how. If I can encourage you today with what I write, then this website has fulfilled it purpose.

Thank you all for your support and prayers. Again, it's not about me but it's all about HIM.

Until then, God bless.


Anonymous said...

PAstor Rodney, awesome sermon last night! To God be the Glory and the Praise!
I am a law student and I was at church last night. Wow, thank you so much for bringing God's Message to the Congregation. I am blessed and I know for sure that every single individual in the sanctuary did not go home empty handed. The message spoke to my heart and opened my eyes to deeper and more meaningful things. I took down notes and I am indeed excited because last night I gave our Lord the opportunity to 'change my mind'. " Sometimes people fill their minds with the stupidest things to keep themselves from thinking about things that are really important".
CONSIDER- think it over, contemplate, allow for, ponder, reflect BELIEVE.
I remember you saying that JESUS has a consistent track record, that He won't let go of me and that I'm safe in His arms. I've been going through problems, most of it are self-inflicted, hehehe, but last night, last night? JESUS spoke clearly to me through you. He wiped my slate clean, gave me joy, peace and HOPE. His Love and Mercy and Grace surrounded me. His Presence is Powerful, He is so near to me. Thank you. MAy our Great God always protect you from the schemes of the enemy. God bless you and your family, God bless the church and God bless the Philippines.

---ChoirgurL :-)

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