

Just like what I posted a few days ago, I mentioned that my family and I were going to Tagaytay for some much needed R & R (Rest and Relaxation). I was not disappointed. Not only did I get to relax but also spend time with Aida, Rafa, my parents and my brother. It's very seldom we do such a thing due to conflicts in schedules and other priorities.

It is a welcome break.

We also got to be with old friends whom we spend time with every summer and Christmas. Mind you. These 'old' friends date way back before my brother and I were born. They are really good friends. What's so admirable is that their children and grand children get to join in the fun. Three generations of families. You don't get to see that everyday.

A bonus: Rafa and I got to dance together. I'll post it on the net in a few days.

Just a thought: How about you spend some time with your family this Christmas?

Thanks guys. Advance Merry Christmas. God bless you!


Anonymous said...

im sorry it took me this long to contact you. i just remembered that you had a website. i'm sorry. merry christmas and a happy new year to you and ur family.

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