

Hello folks.

I know I haven't posted much in 15 days. Let's just say I took a break. I hope I can update the site regarding the events I had in the past 15 days. They've been fun and all.

Also, I have realized a lot of things that happened to me this year. Some good. Some bad. But, all in all, I have learned from it and I am encouraged that God is in control.

I'm excited to what will happen in 2008. You may say that all the time since we always feel hopeful in every start of every year. But I say this today with a real expectation. I feel in my heart, soul and spirit that 2008 is a preparation for something great in my life, in my ministry and in my family. I don't know the specifics yet but I know things are looking up.

From my family to you, let me say HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! May God bless you and keep you. Have a safe one.

Until then, God bless!


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