

This retreat is life-changing.

Coming to the retreat place of the Lotilla's was a challenge. This was during the time when Sen. Trillanes staged a failed attempt to overthrow the government. Thus, putting a curfew from 12AM to 4AM. Then, the highway going to the place was a parking lot as cars traveled bumper-to-bumper. We got there 1AM.

Deep in my heart, I knew something great will happen in this retreat. Life-changing would be the right term.

We started the day with breakfast courtesy of the culinary skills of Mommy Cons. Then, we had our devotion. We talked about the importance of DREAMING BIG even if we are adults. Dreaming is not just for kids. To dream is to expect great things from God and to make impossible things possible for God's glory. God loves dreamers especially those who dream God's dreams. We were encouraged by God to become dreamers especially at this time.

We had a great moment of prayer. We were crying and really pouring our hearts out to God. It's great when God's people go down in their knees in prayer. We felt God really spoke to our hearts.

In the afternoon, we had a wonderful session with Bro. Willy Chua, our special guest speaker. I've heard him speak before and it was a blessing he was with us. He talked about how we are the God's media army and that we can reach the world through the things we produce. Do I hear DREAMING BIG? Also, he talked about the ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE. It is the attitude to be thankful of the things we take for granted. Simple yet so powerful.

I'd like to thank Bro. Bert and Sis. Kate Lotilla for their hospitality in having us in their retreat place. It was there that we heard God and saw that there was much more at stake for the future. We left that place different and on fire for God.

Hope to post the pictures here soon.

God bless you folks. Don't stop DREAMING!


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