

I'm taking on a little break. It's been a very busy 2007 and a very stressful 1st quarter of 2008 and I believe that a break is in order.

I have some catching up to do. I have books that were bought or given that I haven't had the time to read. I have songs in my heart that I need to write and put into music. I have thoughts that I need to put in writing (or typing since I type faster than I write). I want to do more things. Not to mention, get back to the gym and get my 6-pack abs (which has been a goal since January 2008). Not only that, I can go back to blogging again. Now, I have these to look forward to in the next few months.

I want to thank my wife and son for the support they have given me this time. Also, to my friends who continue to encourage me and help me go through some of my toughest times to date. Thank you for still believing in me.

For now, it is time to recharge, reflect and renew myself. When I return, it will be better than ever.

Until then, God bless.


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