

I got a text message from my dad today. They were so funny that I just have to post it here today. I hope you can get a kick out of this and give your soul something to laugh about. Besides, these are clean jokes so it's OK.

  1. Regular naps prevent old age, especially if you take them while driving.
  2. Having one (1) child makes you a parent. Having two (2) makes you a referee.
  3. Marriage is a relationship wherein one person is always right and the other person is the husband.
  4. They say that we should all pay our taxes with a smile. I tried that but they wanted cash.
Something to put a smile on your face today, folks. Hope this helps your soul find it's smile.

Till then.


Anonymous said...

Hi Pastor Rodney,

You don't know me but my name is Abby and I'm a Filipina Christian living in the Los Angeles. I found your blog in a comment you made in Bianca Gonzales' blog. I am a small group leader here in Angelus Temple/The Dream Center, a foursquare gospel church in the heart of Los Angeles led by Matthew Barnett. I lead the writer's ministry and our group has a blog - http://thedreamwever.wordpress.com. Do check it out, I'd love any feedback or opinion. Would you be open to a link exchange as well? I'd be more than happy to link to you and support your blog. You can contact me with the comments form. You got a good blog going on here and I'll be back often to visit. Thanks!

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