

Boy! The day practically beat me up.

Meetings. Decisions. Insults. Side remarks. More meetings. Deadlines.

The day had good and bad moments. I'm trying to focus on the good. But, somehow, the bad just won't stay away.

For someone who tries to encourage people, it's hard when you're trying to hold up the fort. What happens when you are on the other of the coin? What if you're the one who needs encouragement?

I'd like to thank those who encouraged me today. I'm still feeling the after effects of the day.

The Encourager has some bad day too. Hey, I'm still human.


Anonymous said...

hi Pastor Rodney, just read this today, hope everything is okey with you now.

Praying for you.

Rodney Garcia said...

Feeling better. Sometimes, there are attacks that just try to bring you down. No one is exempted. We just have to go through life day by day.

I think all of us are being molded to become victorious in every battle we face.

Thanks for the prayer, Jhunnelle. God bless!

Anonymous said...

Hi bro. rodney how are your now? I hope and pray that you will be strong enough to face all the trials that will come your way. Dont worry you reign in my prayers..Take care and may our Lord bless you more and more...

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