

Word for the World Christian Fellowship (WWCF) will be celebrating its 28th Anniversary on November 9, 2008 at the PICC Plenary Hall. Program starts at 8am. As for me, I will be with the future WWCF church - KIDZONE CHURCH. Kids from ages 4 to 14 will be at the PICC Forum Tent. We've prepared loads of activities for them to enjoy.

I have the most awesome opportunity to share and speak life to them on Sunday. I will be doing a very unique sermon sharing. I've never done this before but it will be fun. I hope I can post some photos and videos here by Sunday.

I'm preparing now for the sermon. Really working hard to make this event truly memorable. Last year, we had about 1000 kids in the tent and we just had a blast. This year, we have learned from our mistakes and have streamlined the program so it will be memorable and relevant.

Please do pray for us as this is both exciting and challenging. I hope I can see you there somehow.

Until then, God bless!


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