

I want to thank all the people who listened to the 30 minute inspirational talk I did last Monday (March 19) at the Philippine Reclamation Authority. I was invited to speak to about 130 employees. I was very excited to be there with them. Somehow, as I spent some time with them, I felt that they needed a little "lifting up".

Before speaking, I felt a very heavy feeling in my soul. There was a heaviness that was present. I didn't know what it was but it took the anointing of God to lift it up.

After the national anthem and other things were done, it was my time to speak. I spoke on "THE LOST ART OF APPRECIATION." For 30 minutes, I spoke on the importance of appreciating the people around us in big and small ways. As I was speaking, I really felt the room coming to life. I can feel the heaviness being lifted and the smiles were being painted on the listener's faces. I could hear some favorable reactions from them.

Before I ended the talk, I challenged the people to appreciate each other (from the boss to the lowest position employee) for one week. I told them to observe the effects and how it will help their office.

After the talk, several people approached me and thanked me for brightening their day. I was able to speak life into them.

Today, very few of us appreciate each other. I hope you do take some time to tell someone how much they mean to you or how much they do a good job. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to do that. Everyone can do it.

Thank you to Wheng for inviting me to their office. Please do invite me again if you can.

Until then, God bless you all.


Anonymous said...

Hi pastor rodney

Your inspirational talk to our office was really effective and an enlightenment to each and everyone. Glory to God coz you are really an instrument in our office to open in our hearts the importance of appreciation in a person. I believe the Lord will continue to work in your life to encourge more people.

I thank the Lord because He gave me an opportunity to know you and to invite you in our office. I know there is no accident in this world and He allowed this thing so you could share your thoughts that will inspire and motivate us.

I believe that this will be the beginning of the new journey in your life. Together with the Lord you will be victorious in your passion to get closer to people and be and encouragement to them. Remember, "IF THE MOTIVE IS PURE EVEN THE WEAKEST EFFORT ENDURE." This was shared to me by one of my friend.

Looking forward to your next inspirational talk here in the office. But mean, roselyn and I are thinking for a lunch or a breakfast with you. (an invitation actually)

By the way, great website pastor. Another thing to Glorify the Lord. I'll invite my friends to visit your website.

Thank you for spending your time in all my e-mails and for reading this one. I'll continue to pray for you and your family. and i'll pray that the Lord will continue to bless you in all these things.

Good day and God Bless you.


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