

In the next few weeks, I will be working on this website. It hasn't been much of an eye-candy but it's a work in progress.

I think with my upcoming vacation, I will be able to redesign or improve the look of the site. There are things that I will be putting here. Hopefully, it can be appreciated by everyone who visits the site. I am really pursuing something BIG this year and I hope I can log it in this website. I'm hoping that this site can encourage people to live life and also become a source of encouragement.

This website extends my reach to you and to everyone on the planet. In a couple of months, I am sure God will unfold the direction he has for me this year. It's exciting and challenging but I'm up to it.

I've been speaking to some people about extensively using multimedia and technology to widen my audience. Hopefully, this will all happen in three-to-six months time.

That's it for now.

Until then, God bless you.


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