

Since I began my full-time ministry as a pastor of WORD FOR THE WORLD, May has somehow become the start of my official year. It's like in accounting where they have cut-off dates or sports leagues where they have the start of their tournaments which don't even fall on a January.

I take my annual two-week vacation during April 15 and return by the first week of May. It is in these two weeks where I get to reflect at the past year: my accomplishment, my goals, my failures. Also, I ask the Lord the direction for the coming year. Where to go? What plans to do? What goals to reach?

Even before my vacation, I received some news. News that will change the direction of my current five year tenure as a WWCF pastor. Starting May 1, I am now officially the new Pastor-in-charge of the Kids (Children's) Ministry. To be honest, I am very much excited to be part of such a dynamic and creative ministry. Being in the Kids ministry opens up so much creative and innovative possibilities. However, the task is monumental. I have a big task ahead of me, of which time is something I have no luxury of.

Let me be honest. I am excited. But there is a part of me that is afraid. Yes. I do fear at times. I guess it is because the task is really big. This is not like new.media where I handle a group of 20 - 30 individuals. Here's a ministry that reaches out to every single child in the church. It is estimated that the number of children could reach to 1500 kids. It's just like a church already if you look at the number.

I am up to the task. This new responsibility will not be given to me if the people in leadership do not believe in me. I guess it's just natural for me to feel this way. But I'm blessed because I have the support of my wife, my son, the new.media ministry and my fellow pastors who believe that I'm up for the challenge.

What's in store for me? Whatever it is, I'm sure it will be exciting. Challenging? Yes. But I've always been up for the challenges. All my life, I've been an underdog. Today is no exception. I've always wanted to prove that I can do it and that I'm right.

The transition is quick. No time to settle and start growing on each other. Time is of the essence and it is something we have not. Every second counts.

Hope you include me in your prayers, folks. It's going to be a great ride.

Until then, God bless!


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