

Beginning May 1, the WWCF Children's Ministry was officially turned over to me. With it, the responsibility of making this ministry grow primarily rests on my shoulders. Together with a dedicated core group and a passionate roster of teachers and junior teachers, I'm confident that we can bring this ministry to greater heights.

One thing that every church who has a children's church needs to remember is this: The future of your church starts with your kids. I don't want to turn down the youth and young adults ministry. But if we do what we need to do with the kids, the youth and young adults won't have much problems. And so does the church.

When the idea of handling the ministry was asked to me, my brain started generating all sorts of ideas. You see. One thing about the Children's ministry is that you can let your imagination fly. There is literally nothing impossible simple because kids do not believe in the possible. To them, all things are possible. Personally, I don't believe in the impossible simply because Jesus said that "To God, all things are possible"

The children's ministry is ready to embark on a new stage in its 25 year history. We will see positive changes in the ministry the church has not seen before. I say this with such high expectations because I know we are at the doorstep of something monumental.

On June 3, I will be speaking to all services of WORD FOR THE WORLD Makati (8am|10am|2pm|4:30pm) to share the vision of the NEW CHILDREN'S MINISTRY. I'm really hyping myself up and I know the whole church will rally behind our endeavor.

I am so excited to work with the core, teachers and junior teachers of the Children's ministry. I see so much potential and I know we can reach it in due time.

I wish I can say more about the plans. But not just yet. We have to keep it in wraps until I get to present it to the congregation first. Hopefully, I can create a video and post it online.

As for you, I'd like to ask for your prayers. We have a big task to do. But I'm sure we can all do this because of your prayers.

Until then, God bless!!!


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