

I was invited to preach at the Young Adults ministry last night at the 4th floor of the ACCM building. This ministry is very near and dear to me and my wife simply because we were among the few who started the ministry from scratch. It took a lot of praying and hard work to bring the ministry back on its feet.

I talked about how the things we do can be used as a justification to be in God's presence; that we earn our spot in heaven. It is by grace we can be saved and not because of our good works. Hopefully, some people go to hear a good word or two from the Lord.

Looking at the ministry today, I believe that the YA have so much to offer to WWCF and the the Body of Christ in general. I believe they have so much potential in them both individually and as a group. It just needs to be tapped and used properly. I prayed for them last night and I hope this could spark something greater in their ministry.

Excellence is not an option. It is a necessity. God wants us to be excellent in what we do. Not perfect because we can never attain perfection. But as we do things in excellence, it reflects to the God that we serve. Mediocrity must have no place in church or in our life. Do not expect great things to happen when you do things in mediocrity.

It was my choice to live an excellent life. Other people don't like to see excellence flourish. Unfortunately, sometimes, excellence is misinterpreted as arrogance. But that view should not stop us from doing what we need to do to get the job done. When you count the cost and compare it to the greater good, it is easier to take the risk and do it.

I hope this new culture of excellence will infiltrate the lives of the people of WWCF and the world.

Until then, God bless.


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