

Aida and I woke up around 6:30am. We were about to take the first step to this monumental project. It is very seldom that people are given the opportunity to chronicle history: the past, the present and the future. This time, we were given this unique chance.

The new.media ministry of WORD FOR THE WORLD will be doing a 1-hour DVD which will contain the history, achievements, impact and future of WWCF. This idea was toyed around during the 25th anniversary of the church (2005). I have been watching some WWE wrestling documentaries that were done very well. I thought "Wouldn't it be great that WWCF have a DVD that will tell the story of the church?"

Fast forward two years later. I opened the idea to Ptr. Louie Barretto. Next thing I knew, we were going to do the project. You know. Not everyone is given the chance to make a major milestone. Thank God, we grabbed this.

Aid and I plus new.media crew went on a three hour journey to the resthouse of Bro. Bert and Sis. Kate Lotilla at Laguna. Let me tell you, they were very hospitable. They were very warm which made our job lighter. In less than three hours, we were able to interview Bro. Bert & Sis. Kate Lotilla and Bro. Felipe & Sis. Chat Paquing.

To listen to their stories were just plainly facinating. They painted a picture of what the church was and how it flourished to what it is today. There were some trivia thrown around. As a guy who literally grew up in WWCF ( I was there since I was 14), I was amazed on the stories. I can't wait to do the editing of this DVD.

Going home, I was blessed to spend time with them. I saw a side of them that a few people see. I heard stories that only a few people know. And today, we get to have the priviledge to share the story to the next generation.

In behalf of the new.media ministry, I would like to extend our thanks to the Lotilla family for opening their warm home to us. Your gesture has touched us in a special way.

Until then, God bless.
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