

As the old children's song goes "RAIN. RAIN. GO AWAY." But as for me, it's "RAIN.RAIN. GO AHEAD."

The Philippine newspapers have reported these past few days that we might have a shortage of water supply because there have been no rains for weeks. And the damns are losing water. We need rain.

During our pastoral staff meeting, I was asked to do the opening prayer. And I do remember that I prayed for rain. And God answered my prayer. We have rain. At the afternoon of Tuesday, the rain started to pour. I got instant messages from my friends that the rain was so hard, it was flooding the streets. What have I done? Well, it was for a greater cause.

Then this morning around 6AM, we turned on the TV and they announced that there will be no classes for the elementary and high school. That means I'm not a school bus today. I opted to stay home and rest for a while. However, Rafa and I did study his exams tomorrow (only to find out this evening that he doesn't have school tomorrow again).

Folks, I'll be preaching tomorrow at THURSDAY NIGHT WORSHIP. I do hope you can drop. I'm sure God will encourage you tomorrow. Also, please do pray for me.

If you'll excuse me, I'll retire for the day. Big day tomorrow.

Until then, God bless.


Anonymous said...

Rodney great job on the blog. You really made me miss the Philippines. One the video of you and my best friend, the rain which I so love to listen to when there, The shakes that I am sure are so great, the band where is a itune listen? and preaching... So I am praying for you for Thursday service. God is going to move I am sure because you are so willing to be used.
So pray for me and my new Non-Profit 2ndhope4life. When I have the website done and up and running I will let you know.

God Bless and stay dry.

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