

Hello folks!

In the next few weeks, rodneygarcia.com will be going through a make-over. No. Not me but my website (although a personal make-over isn't that bad either.)

Upon prayer and deep thinking, my website will be more than just blogging.

This site will be more than just a blog site as it was for the past two years. The new website will be a place of encouragement, hope and life. I have decided to harness the power of the internet to spread not just the love of God but the uplifting of our soul and spirit.

Here, you will be able to listen to podcasts, watch videos and learn a thing or two about how life can be both challenging and rewarding.

Also, I hope this site becomes a bridge between you and me. I do want to know what you think about the stuff you see here.

Should the site look a bit weird in the next few days, that means you are redirected to my new web host. Still, http://rodneygarcia.blogspot.com will continue to exist.

For now, you can contact me at rodneygarcia@yahoo.com. To read more about the developments, visit http://rodneygarcia.blogspot.com.

Also, I'll be having my licensing exam tomorrow morning at around 8am. So I'd really hope you can pray for me. If I pass this exam, I will be given the 'license' to conduct weddings and marriage ceremonies. Cool huh! Please keep praying for me.

Thanks and may God bless you!


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