

Ever heard of the saying "You find out who your true friends are during your toughest times." I'm sure that's rang in your ear countless times.

I'm here to say that is true.

These past two months have been a battle for me. It's not been a bed of roses. I've gone through some of the most difficult periods of my life. Some of my lowest too. And these times not only became times of proving myself but also of the people around.

Not many knew my situation. But those who knew stretched out their hand and lend their support. Those who knew gave a word of encouragement. Those who found out were quick to give me an e-mail or a text message and say kind words of hope. People comforted me though my view of the future was dark and bleak. Yes. It was testing time. But it God used this time as well to show me who my real friends are.

Real friends are hard to come by. But now I know who are the ones who can be trusted and those who need to be avoided. Yes. Sometimes, there are people that are good enough for a HI and HELLO. But to stick with them would be suicide. You need people who can bring you up and not bring you down.

I thank God for using this time of trials not just for myself but for the people around me. I know God is preparing me for something BIG (as all of us are). And God is also preparing me to discern and know the people around me who genuinely care.


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