

Hello folks!

On June 10, I will be going to Laguna to take my licensing test as a pastor. This is a very important test for me. Should I pass (and I do not plan to fail) this exam, I will be given the license to officiate marriages as a pastor/minister. This is a very big deal for me because it's been six years and I have waited for this moment to arrive.

I have been studying very hard for this exam. It's just like back in college. Reading books. Memorizing names, dates and places. Trying to remember everything I've read in the Bible. Reacquainting myself to the different stuff. Just so that I can get the answers needed for the test.

To those who are reading this, I covet your prayers. Please do pray for me.

The results do not come right away. It would take weeks. Hopefully, after the exam, I'll have a good feel if I passed or failed.

Thanks again.


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