

Six years ago today, I accepted God's plan for me - to become a full-time pastor.

I still remember it clearly.

About 2pm on June 14, 2002, while driving, my brother-in-law texted me of an opening at our church's school - International Christian Academy. He mentioned that they were looking for a chaplain (a person in charge of Christian duties such as chapel service and such) and had me in mind. I laughed because the first thing that came in my mind was a stiff guy in a suit - all serious. That wasn't me. I didn't see myself as a chaplain. So I went home.

I was at my loft in our rented house in Moonwalk, Paranaque. I made a call to the last company I was applying for a job. I was confident to get that job simply because I had very good connections with the president of the company. The job was at the palm of my hand. I sent a very impressive 5-page resume highlighting my achievements in the I.T. (Information Technology) industry.

However, at the back of my mind, I was talking to God. He has been dealing with me for two years about a call to do full-time ministry. I knew deep inside me that I was destined for this. But my dreams and ambitions dictated. I wanted to be a big time CEO of an IT company. I have been working for it all my life. However, a voice in my head told God, "If this company rejects me, then I will surrender to your will."

I picked up the phone and called. I asked confidently about my application. Then, the voice at the other line said, "I'm sorry Mr. Garcia. The position has been filled." That was it. I knew it was not meant to be. I was not meant to be a CEO. I was made to be a pastor.

So, on that day, I prayed this prayer."

"Lord, beginning today, I give to you my dreams and ambitions. My goals and my plans. I want your plans to be my plans. Your dreams to be my dreams. Your goals to be my goals. Beginning today, I submit to your will."

And just like that, the wheels of fate started churning. Come Sunday morning, I was wearing a suit and was on stage in church. Tuesday morning, I went to the school and was introduced as the new ICA Chaplain. I still remember going from classroom to classroom and meeting all the students I will be mingling with - all 600 students from pre-school to high school.

Six years later, I'm still here doing God's work. Things have changed. And things will change for the better.

What does the next six years hold for me? Only God can tell. But it all started when I said "YES" six years ago.


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