

Hello folks! Here's my account of the EDGERADIO EXPERIENCE.

I got to the studios around 5:30pm to beat the traffic which is predominant around the area. Friday night = Rush hour traffic. I didn't want to be late for my first full-pledge radio interview. To be honest, it has been a dream of mine to be on radio. Maybe as a DJ. But God blessed me more as I was being interviewed by my dear friends Ron, Joyce and Owie.

Going back, I was there early and was very excited. I was trying to climatize myself with the booth and the fact that I will talking on air in a few minutes. Owie graciously toured me around and introduced me to some of the staff. Around 5:55pm, Ron and Joyce have not arrived yet. They're suppose to do the interview with me. So Owie was preparing to go on board and was quite nervous. Then, a few minutes later, Ron and Joyce arrived. Whew for Owie.

The show started. Around 6:30pm, Joyce had a talk with me just to do some background stories. Most of the things you heard in the LIVE show were discussed beforehand. That's where the stories about my involvement in the new age, the stories about my family and my ministry were briefly talked about.

7pm. I'm on. I was nervous. I was excited. I couldn't believe this was the answer to a prayer. Fo about 30 minutes, I was talking about how God changed my life and how life has been good with God around. Let me tell you, it felt good being in the booth. All those days I'd hang out in the DJ booth when I was in college daydreaming to be one day be interviewed on air has come to pass. God does answer prayer!!!

If you want to check out the interview, please view the video below.

That was one awesome interview. Too bad I wasn't able to do a rap for them which we talked about before. Hopefully, I'll be back to do it.

Thanks again to EDGE RADIO for guesting me on the show. Hope we do another one in the future. I have a feeling we will be working closely soon.

Ron. Joyce. Owie. My wonderful and supportive friends who, unconsciously, believed in me - THANK YOU!!


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